######################################################################### # This resource bundle contains all of the error message and validation # copy in CUWI ######################################################################### cuwi.error.monitor.property=CUWI Error Properties Loaded [cuwi-error.properties] # Common field.error.message=We had some trouble with your request. Please review and update the highlighted area(s) below. field.length.message=Must be between 6 and 20 characters field.required.message=This field is required. #Roman Morgovskiy Error Incident ID: 18861 card expired error creditCard.error.18861=Sorry, we could not process your request at this time. Please contact Listener Care at 888-539-7474 to complete your transaction. creditCard.error.badpayinfo=Current credit card is invalid or expired. Please add a new credit card or debit card to continue. # Credit Card Error Messages validation.makepayment=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. validation.creditCard.error.expired=Your Credit Card Has Expired Please Provide Us with a Diffrent Payment Option error.key.change.124 =We were unable to authorize your credit card. Please verify that your payment information is correct. If it''s correct, then you may need to contact your card issuer to resolve the problem.

If you need help from SiriusXM Listener Care, please call us at 1-888-601-6271. #Override for Gift Card Redeem No funds page validation.giftcard.zero.balance=The card you have entered has no balance remaining on it. Please try another card. # Global Portal Error Codes error.key.100=Error encountered during processing error.key.1001=Your gift card cannot be redeemed. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. error.key.1002=The card you have entered has no balance remaining on it. Please try another card or skip this step to complete your account activation. error.key.1003=Your gift card cannot be redeemed. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. error.key.1004=Your gift card cannot be redeemed. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. error.key.1005=There was a problem processing your Gift Card. error.key.1006=Your gift card cannot be redeemed because it has expired. error.key.1007=Your gift card cannot be redeemed. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. error.key.1008=Your gift card cannot be redeemed. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. error.key.1009=Your gift card cannot be redeemed. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. error.key.1010=There was a problem processing your Gift Card. error.key.1011=There was a problem processing your Gift Card. Your gift card cannot be redeemed. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. error.key.1012=There was a problem processing your Gift Card. error.key.1013=There was a problem processing your Gift Card. Your gift card cannot be redeemed. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. error.key.1014=There was a problem processing your Gift Card. error.key.1015=There was a problem processing your Gift Card. validation.pin.required=Enter a PIN number validation.pin.invalid=Invalid PIN number error.key.1019=This kind of gift card cannot be redeemed on this account. error.key.trialoffer.10600=validation.trailextension.accountisnotfound error.key.trialoffer.10501=validation.trailextension.accountisnotfound error.key.trialoffer.130=validation.trailextension.accountisnotfound error.key.trialoffer.10502=validation.trailextension.hasfollowon error.key.trialoffer.10503=validation.trailextension.noteligible error.key.trialoffer.10504=validation.trailextension.creditcardauth error.key.trialoffer.10505=validation.trailextension.transaction # Field level error message for gift card - these messages # are displayed at the field level and are moved here for consistency in US and Canada versions. error.key.field.1001=Cannot be redeemed error.key.field.1003=Cannot be redeemed error.key.field.1004=Cannot be redeemed error.key.field.1005=Invalid PIN number error.key.field.1006=Expired error.key.field.1007=Cannot be redeemed error.key.field.1008=Cannot be redeemed error.key.field.1009=Cannot be redeemed error.key.field.1010=Invalid PIN number error.key.field.1011=Cannot be redeemed error.key.field.1012=Invalid PIN number error.key.field.1013=Cannot be redeemed error.key.field.1014=Invalid PIN number error.key.field.1015=Invalid PIN number error.key.gift.default.field=Invalid PIN number error.key.field.100=Invalid PIN number error.key.field.1019=Invalid PIN number error.key.155=Credit Card validation failed error.key.0=There has been an error submitting the request. error.key.1102=We cannot complete your request because an activation signal has recently been sent or is currently queued to be sent. If you need further assistance, please call Listener Care at 1-888-539-SIRIUS (7474). error.key.161=We cannot complete your request because an activation signal has recently been sent or is currently queued to be sent. If you need further assistance, please call Listener Care at 1-888-539-SIRIUS (7474). error.key.1103=There has been an error submitting the request. error.key.1104=There has been an error submitting the request. error.key.1105=There has been an error submitting the request. error.key.1106=There has been an error submitting the request. error.key.1107=There has been an error submitting the request. error.key.gift.default=There was a problem processing your Gift Card. # ESN promotion Setup Page Added in us properties to overide the common messege property file validation.esn.invalid=Please Enter a Valid ESN error.key.1401=We cannot find your Radio ID in the system, please try again. error.key.1051=Please Enter a Valid ESN error.key.1052=Please Enter a Valid ESN error.key.1053=This Radio ID is already in use. Please verify
the number and try again. If you already
have a subscription you may be receiving
this error because you need to log in into
My Account and look for the Radio ID
in the Services area. error.key.215=This Radio ID is already in use. Please verify
the number and try again. If you already
have a subscription you may be receiving
this error because you need to log in into
My Account and look for the Radio ID
in the Services area. error.key.1054=Please Enter a Valid ESN #end ITQ 19309 #SVC After market device activation & reactivation validation error.key.1070=We''re sorry but your SCV model radio cannot be activated. Please call 1-877-905-7536 to speak with a representative for further assistance. validation.giftcard.default=There was a problem processing your Gift Card. validation.reactivation.default=There has been an error submitting the request. error.checkbox.required = Please check the boxes to proceed. If you haven't completed the action associated with each check box, your radio will not activate. #Add Radio error.key.112=A technical error occurred and we're working on resolving it.
Until then, if you need assistance please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. Thanks for understanding. # Changed by Roman Morgovskiy Manege My Acount changes 2007 error.key.1251=We're sorry, we can't locate an account with that username. Please call Listener Care at 888-539-SIRIUS (7474) for assistance. # login page errors error.key.login.119=The Username and/or Password you entered does not match our records. #Password errors validation.password.required=Incorrect Password validation.password.confirm.invalid=Please re-enter password. validation.password.mismatch=Passwords must match. validation.password.invalid=Invalid Old Password #PII security Questions and Password validation validation.password.old.required=Password is invalid validation.password.old.invalid=Password is invalid validation.password.new.required=Your password must be 8 to 20 characters long. validation.password.new.length=Your password must be 8 to 20 characters long. validation.password.new.charsAllowed=We''re sorry, your new password does not comply with our policy. Please try again. validation.password.new.charVariety=Your password must contain at least one character from at least 3 different groups, as explained in our password policy. validation.password.new.accountWords=Your password cannot include the word "{0}". validation.password.new.dictionaryWords=Your password cannot include the word "{0}". validation.password.confirm.required=Please re-enter password. validation.password.confirm.mismatch=Passwords must match. error.key.3481=Please log out and log back in to manage your account. #Accertify Properties error.ccfraud.reject= It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.ccfraud.alc.reject= We cannot complete the channel change because there is a problem with your credit card. Please go to the "My Profile" page to update your payment information. error.oem.ccfraud.reject= It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.winback.ccfraud.reject= The credit card information is invalid. Please re-enter your credit card information. error.trialoffer.ccfraud.reject= We are unable to authorize your credit card. Please check that your credit card information is correct and try again.If you are unable to complete the transaction, then please call 1-866-408-6296. #Reactivation Override validation.reactivation.checklist=Please check off that you have completed the above steps. #ESN Setup Page validation.captcha.invalid=Entered code does not match. Please try again. validation.esn.wrongesninpsiraddradio=To add this radio to your account, please call Listener Care at 1-800-XM-RADIO (967-2346) validation.esn.wrongesninaddradio=An XM Radio cannot be added to a SIRIUS account. Click here to visit the XM site and set up a new XM account validation.esn.wrongesninnewaccount=The ID entered belongs to an XM radio. Click here to visit the XM site and set up a new XM account. # Edit FSIR page validation.login.notunique=The Username entered is already being used, please try a different Username. validation.first.edit.sir=First Name must contain between 2 and 30 characters validation.last.edit.sir=Last Name must contain between 2 and 60 characters validation.email.edit.sir=The entered Email address is in an invalid format validation.login.length.sir=The Username must contain between 6 and 20 characters validation.login.invalidchars.sir=The Username entered contains one or more invalid characters validation.password.length.sir=The Password must contain between 6 and 20 characters validation.password.invalidchars.sir=The Password entered contains invalid characters # ITQ 15873 validation.password.confirm=Retype your password #OEM FLow Errors oem.aa.error.esn.invalid=Please enter a valid ESN oem.aa.error.noaccount=We are unable to complete this transaction online. Please call Listener Care at 1-866-517-2328. We apologize for the inconvenience. oem.aa.error.zipcodenotmatching=We are unable to confirm your account. Please verify your zip code and then resubmit the information. If still unsuccessful, call 1-866-517-2328. We apologize for the inconvenience. oem.conversion.validation.username.invalidlength=The Username must contain between 6 and 20 characters oem.conversion.validation.username.invalidcharacters=The Username entered contains one or more invalid characters oem.conversion.validation.password.invalidlength=The Password must contain between 6 and 20 characters oem.conversion.validation.password.invalidcharacters=The Password entered contains invalid characters oem.conversion.validation.password.mismatch=Password must match oem.conversion.validation.email.invalid=Please enter a valid email address oem.login.error.activeinactive=We are unable to complete this transaction online. Please call Listener Care at 1-866-517-2328. We apologize for the inconvenience. oem.login.error.closed=Please enter the username and password associated with your account to continue. If you need help retrieving your online username or password, use the links below or call 1-866-517-2328. #Refresh Signal Front End Errors error.signalrefresh.incorrectlength=Please enter a valid Radio ID, VIN, or Phone Number. error.signalrefresh.phone.incorrectformat=The phone number is incorrect. Please check the number and try again. You may also enter a VIN or a Radio ID. error.signalrefresh.rid.incorrectformat=The Radio ID is incorrect. Please check the number and try again. You may also enter a VIN or a phone number. error.signalrefresh.vin.incorrectformat=The VIN is incorrect. Please check the number and try again. You may also enter a Radio ID or a phone number. #Refresh Signal Back End Errors error.signalrefresh.maximumlimit=You have exceeded the maximum number of activation signals allowed within a 24 hour period. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. error.signalrefresh.incorrectcharacters=Radio IDs have 8 or 12 characters and VINs have 17 characters. Please consult the instructions below on how to find your Radio ID. If you feel you have reached this message in error, please call 1-855-697-3373. error.signalrefresh.multiplerequest=We cannot complete your request because an activation signal has recently been sent or is currently queued to be sent. This feature will be inaccessible for the next 15 minutes. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. error.signalrefresh.servicenotactive=Your service is no longer active. Please call us at 1-888-601-6271 and we can help. error.signalrefresh.invalidinput=Please identify a radio to be refreshed. You may also enter a VIN or a phone number. error.signalrefresh.noactivesubscription=Your radio does not have an active subscription. You can subscribe online, or call us at 1-888-601-6271 and we can help. error.signalrefresh.phone.morethanfive=There are too many radios associated with your phone number. Please enter the Radio ID of the radio you would like to refresh. If you''re still having trouble, call us at 1-888-601-6271 and we can help. error.signalrefresh.phone.partialsuccess=A refresh signal has been sent to your radios. One or more of your radios cannot be refreshed because the subscription is suspended or they have reached the refresh signal limit for the day. Please call 1-888-601-6271 for help. error.signalrefresh.phone.notfound=We could not find an account with your phone number. Please make sure you entered the correct phone number. If you are still having problems, try entering your Radio ID or VIN, or call us at 1-888-601-6271 and we can help. error.signalrefresh.vin.notfound=We could not find your VIN in our system. Please make sure you entered the number correctly. Some vehicles are not equipped with satellite radio, so if you are still having problems, try entering your Radio ID or phone number. error.signalrefresh.rid.notfound=We could not find this Radio ID in our system. Please check the number and try again. If you are still having trouble, call us at 1-888-601-6271 and we can help. You may also enter a VIN or a phone number. error.signalrefresh.allsubscriptionsinactive=One or more of your radios cannot be refreshed because they are inactive or they have reached the refresh signal limit for the day. Please call 1-888-601-6271 for help. error.signalrefresh.rentalcarrefreshnotallowed=Signal refreshes are not allowed for this rental car subscription. Contact your rental company for assistance or SiriusXM Listener Care if a subscription change is needed. error.signalrefresh.other=We are unable to refresh your radio online. Please call 1-888-601-6271 for help. error.signalrefresh.allsubscriptionsclosed=We could not find a radio that has a subscription or a trial. If you think this is incorrect, then you can try to refresh the radio by entering its Radio ID or VIN. For help, you can call us at 1-888-601-6271. #Send Refresh Text Errors error.signalrefresh.text.invalidnumber=Please enter a valid mobile phone number. error.signalrefresh.text.refreshfailed=error.signalrefresh.text.refreshfailed error.signalrefresh.text.notavailable=We apologize, but text messaging is not available at this time. error.signalrefresh.text.agree= Please accept these terms in order to send the text message. error.signalrefresh.text.update.starss.notes=Unable to update the notes on the Account. error.signalrefresh.text.service=Exception while invoking the refreshText service. refreshradio.flow.text.oops.error=Oops, something went wrong. Please try again, and if you're still having trouble, you can refreshradio.flow.text.oops.error.chat=chat with an agent #Forgot Password validation.no.username=You must use a valid username to retrieve your password. #Media player validation.captcha.mediaplayer.invalid=Enter Code validation.captcha.empty=Please enter the code shown above. mediaplayer.invalid=Enter Code #ITQ 17086 # Blank username/password on activation home page validation.no.username.required=Incorrect Username validation.no.password=Incorrect Password # Invalid username/password validation.login.unsuccessful=Invalid username/password combination #Balance details error.balance.info.not.available=Balance information unavailable # account locked accountlocked.line1=You’ve Tried Too Many Times accountlocked.line2=Uh oh. It looks like you’ve tried to log into your account too many times.Please close your browser to try again. You may also use the Forgot Username or Forgot Password functions to retrieve your username and reset your password. You may also register for access to your account, which will allow you to set up a new username and password. validation.login=We''re sorry. Username must be a valid email address, or a username that''s 6-20 characters - letters and numbers only. validation.login.email=We''re sorry. Username must be a valid email address. validation.password=Please enter your password. validation.login.length=Your username must be between 6 and 20 characters. validation.password.length=We''re sorry, your new password does not comply with our policy. Please try again. # ITQ 15873 validation.password.confirm.length=Password must be between 8 and 20 characters. validation.password.invalidchars=Password contains invalid characters validation.login.invalidchars=Username contains invalid characters validation.login.exceeded.attempts=You have exceeded your maximum number of login attempts. Please contact SIRIUS Listener Care at 1.888.539.SIRIUS (7474). validation.login.accounttypeinvaild=Your account cannot be managed online. Please call (888) 465-8516 if you need assistance with your account. #ITQ 16351 validation.address.invalid=Invalid Address validation.zip_province=Postal code doesn't match province validation.city.edit=Invalid City # Second Step Processing error page copy.secondsteperror.title=Your Transaction Was Processed But Unable To Continue copy.secondsteperror.msg1=Your transaction was processed, but our site is unable to refresh your account. copy.secondsteperror.msg2=If you feel that you have reached this page by mistake, please contact SIRIUS Listener Care at either copy.secondsteperror.or=or copy.secondsteperror.return=Return to copy.secondsteperror.phone=1.888.539.SIRIUS (7474) # Change Plan validation.changeplan.max.limit.reached=Change Plan failed. Maximum number of change plan operations exceeded. validation.changeplan.invalid=Change Plan failed. Invalid change plan combination. validation.changeplan.generic.error=Change Plan failed. Unexpected error. #Persistence Setup validation.persistence.setup.default=Virtual host connection could not be established. validation.persistence.setup.noprops=Virtual host connection could not be established.Please check the properties. alc.channel.selector.test.mode.enabled=Ala Carte Channel Selector test mode ENABLED alc.channel.selector.test.mode.disabled=Ala Carte Channel Selector test mode DISABLED # Credit Card authorization errors error.key.1301=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.key.1302=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.key.1303=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.key.1304=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.key.1305=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.key.1306=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.key.1307=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.key.1308=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.key.1309=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.key.1310=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.key.1311=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.key.124=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.key.192=We were unable to authorize your saved credit card. Please update your payment information. # Sirius Internet Radio validation.username=The Username entered is already being used, please try a different Username. # Web Forms error.webforms.validation.address.refine.premises=According to the USPS, the address you entered has an invalid or missing Apartment/Suite/Unit number. Please update the address to continue. error.webforms.validation.address.refine.street=According to the USPS, the address you entered has an invalid or missing building number. Please update the address to continue. error.webforms.validation.address.refine.nondeliverable=According to the USPS, the address you entered is non-deliverable. Please update the address to continue. error.webforms.validation.address.unknown=We were unable to validate your address with the United States Postal Service. Please update the address to continue. error.webforms.login.lastName.required=Please provide a last name. error.webforms.login.accountnumber.required=Please provide an account number. error.webforms.login.phonenumber.required=Please provide a phone number. error.webforms.login.postalcode.required=Please provide a zip code. error.webforms.login.esn.required=Please provide a Radio ID (ESN or SID). error.webforms.login.radioIDandAccount.required=Please enter your Radio ID and Account Number. error.webforms.login.radioIDandLastName.required=Please enter your Radio ID and Last Name. error.payment.notvalidnumber=Enter your card number. Please do not include any dashes or other formatting. error.payment.notvalidcvvnumber=The Card Security Code that you entered does not appear to be valid. Please enter 3 or 4 digit Card Security Code printed on your credit card. error.payment.notvalidname=Enter your name exactly as it appears on the card. error.payment.notvalidexpdate=Credit card expiration date is not valid. error.payment.expdate.notvalidatexpdate=The credit card expiration date you entered is invalid. Please update it to continue. error.payment.notvalidmonth=Select the month. error.payment.notvalidyear=Select the year. error.email.required=Please enter a valid email address. error.userName.invalid=Username is not valid. error.password.invalid=Password is not valid. error.passwords.not.equal=Passwords must be the same. error.userName.not.unique=Username already exists. # Validation Message error.valid.firstname.required=First name is required error.valid.firstname.invalid=Please enter a valid First name error.valid.lastname.required=Last name is required error.valid.lastname.invalid=Please enter a valid Last name error.valid.forgotusername.lastname.invalid=Please enter the last name on the account. error.valid.securityanswer.required=Your answer must contain at least three letters or numbers. error.valid.state.required=Select your State error.valid.zipcode.required=Enter your ZIP code error.valid.zipcode.invalid=Please enter a valid ZIP code error.valid.esnOrVin.required=Please enter a Radio ID or Account Number or VIN. error.valid.esnOrVin.attempt=The information you provided does not match a SiriusXM account. Please try again. If you need help, you can use the "Chat Now" button to chat live with a member of our support team, or you can call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. error.valid.esnOrVin.multipleaccounts=Your VIN is linked to multiple Radio IDs. Please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. error.valid.accountinfo.required=The information you entered does not match your account. Please try again. If you are still unable to retrieve your username, call Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. error.valid.forgotpassword.noaccount=We did not find your Username in our records. Please try again, or call Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. error.valid.esn.required=Enter a valid Radio ID. error.valid.nickname=Please enter a valid nickname up to 15 characters. Only letters, numbers, dashes, and apostrophes are allowed. error.key.selfcare.1053=This radio already has a subscription.

Please sign into Online Account Center to manage your radios. If this is not your subscription (perhaps because it belongs to the previous owner of your vehicle), please click on the Chat Now link below for immediate help or call Listener Care at 1-888-601-6271. error.key.selfcare.1055=This radio cannot currently be managed online.

If you purchased your vehicle within the last seven days, this could be because we haven''t yet received information about the sale. For immediate help, please click on the Chat Now link below or call Listener Care at 1-888-601-6271. error.key.selfcare.1058=Sorry, we are unable to process this Radio ID online. Please contact Listener Care at 888-601-6271 error.invalid.esn.attempt1=Enter a valid Radio ID. error.invalid.esn.attempt2=We cannot find your Radio ID (ESN or SID) in the system. Please try entering it again. error.invalid.esn.attempt3=We''re sorry. We did not find your Radio ID (ESN or SID) in the system. Please contact Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. error.sirius.cannotaddxm=Unfortunately, an XM radio cannot be added to a SIRIUS account. Click here to log into your existing XM Radio account or set up a new account. error.xm.cannotaddsirius=Unfortunately, a SIRIUS radio cannot be added to an XM account. Click here to log into your existing SIRIUS account or set up a new account. error.radio.account.mismatch=Unfortunately, this {0} radio cannot be added to a {1} account. Click here to log into your existing {2} account or set up a new account. error.key.newaccount.109=Unfortunately, we are unable to create your account. Please contact Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. error.key.newaccount.111=Unfortunately, we are unable to create your account due to gift card validation error. Please contact Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. error.key.111=Unfortunately, we are unable to create your account due to gift card validation error. Please contact Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. error.key.changeoemsubscription.139=Maximum allowable change plan reached validation.vehicle.required=Please enter either VIN or Model Name validation.vehicle.VIN=The VIN Number pattern is incorrect validation.vin.invalid=VIN Number is invalid validation.model.invalid=Invalid Model # Account Info account.info.error.username.required=Username is required. account.info.error.username.length=Username must contain between 6-20 characters. account.info.error.username.invalidcharacters=Username entered contains one or more invalid characters. account.info.error.username.notavailable=Username is not available. # term selection page error.nameoncard=Enter your name exactly as it appears on the card. error.creditcardtype.required=Select the card type. error.creditcardnumber=Enter your card number. Please do not include any dashes or other formatting. error.creditcard.month=Select the month. error.creditcard.year=Select the year. error.giftcard=There seems to be a problem with the PIN you provided. Please review the information and try again. error.sc.giftcard.alreadythere=The PIN you provided is already applied to this transaction. prepaid.pinNumber.required=Prepaid card number is required error.duplicate.giftcard=Card has already been Redeemed error.creditcard.expired=Your credit card has expired. Please enter new payment information. error.creditcard.expiring=Your credit card is about to expire. Please enter new payment information. sc.error.creditcard.expired=Your {0} ending in {1} has expired. Please enter new payment information. ac.error.creditcard.expired=Your {0} ending in {1} has expired. Please enter new payment information. # verify order page error.checkterms=You must agree to terms of service. error.common.component=Please accept these terms in order to send the text message. # OEM account lookup oemlookup.error.generic=We had some trouble with your request. Please review and update the highlighted area(s) below. oemlookup.error.zipcode.mismatch=We are unable to confirm your account. Please verify your zip code and then resubmit the information. If still unsuccessful, call 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. oemlookup.error.warrantyswap=We are unable to complete this transaction online. Please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. oemlookup.error.foraccountsummary=We are unable to complete this transaction online. Please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. oemlookup.error.zipcode.valid=Please enter a valid ZIP code. oemlookup.error.accountidentifier.required=Please enter a Radio ID or VIN. oemlookup.error.vinmultiple=Your VIN is linked to multiple Radio IDs. Please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. oemlookup.error.lookup1=We cannot find your Radio ID or VIN in the system, please try again. oemlookup.error.lookup2=We cannot find your Radio ID or VIN in the system, let''s try this again. oemlookup.error.lookup3=We did not find your Radio ID or VIN in the system. Please contact Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. oemlookup.error.lastname.mismatch=We are unable to confirm your account. Please verify your Last Name and then resubmit the information. If still unsuccessful, call 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. oemlookup.error.phone.mismatch=We are unable to confirm your account. Please verify your phone number and then resubmit the information. If still unsuccessful, call 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. error.key.oem.119=The Username and/or Password you entered does not match our records. oemtrialended.error.lastname.mismatch=Sorry, we are unable to confirm your account. Please verify your Last Name and then click submit again (even if you feel the information is correct and you made no changes). Or, call us at 888-601-6271 and we'll help sort this out. oemtrialended.error.phone.mismatch=Sorry, we are unable to confirm your account. Please verify your Phone Number and then click submit again (even if you feel the information is correct and you made no changes). Or, call us at 888-601-6271 and we'll help sort this out. oemtrialended.error.monthly.plan.promo.data.mismatch=Sorry, we are unable to confirm your account. Please call us at 1-866-635-0565 and we''ll help sort this out. # OEM account setup. oemsetup.error.noclosedradio=We are unable to complete this transaction online. Please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. #credit card error messages. error.key.creditcard=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.key.105=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. # Error messages for registration error.valid.question.required=Please choose a question. error.valid.answer.required=Your answer must contain at least three letters or numbers. error.valid.sec.answer.required=Your answer must contain at least three letters or numbers. error.valid.email.required=Enter a valid email address. error.valid.question0.required=Select Security Question 1. error.valid.answer0.required=Answer to Security Question 1 is required. error.valid.question1.required=Select Security Question 2. error.valid.answer1.required=Answer to Security Question 2 is required. error.valid.sec.answer1.required=Answer to Security Question 2 is required. error.valid.question2.required=Select Security Question 3. error.valid.answer2.required=Answer to Security Question 3 is required. error.valid.sec.answer2.required=Answer to Security Question 3 is required. #preowned activation tool error.key.trialactivation.3492=We could not find the VIN or Radio ID/ESN you entered.

If you believe this is a valid entry, please re-enter or contact Listener Care at 1-888-756-2550. error.key.trialactivation.3493=This radio may be eligible, but cannot be located using your VIN.

Please enter your RadioID/ESN or contact our Listener Care at 1-888-756-2550. error.key.trialactivation.3494=Please enter a valid VIN or Radio ID. error.key.trialactivation.3495=This radio is not eligible for the complimentary trial.

Please go to SiriusXM.com/activate to set up a new account, or log in to add this radio to your existing account. error.key.trialactivation.3496=This radio may be eligible but cannot be activated online at this time.

Please contact Listener Care at 1-888-756-2550. error.key.trialactivation.3497=Our records indicate this radio is not eligible for a complimentary trial.

Please contact Listener Care at with any questions at 1-888-756-2550. error.key.trialactivation.3498=This radio is not eligible for a complimentary trial.

Please go to SiriusXM.com/activate to set up a new account, or log in to add this radio to your existing account. error.key.trialactivation.1401=Your car is not equipped with a satellite radio. If you believe this to an error, please call us at 1-855-241-5969. If you would like to enjoy SiriusXM outside of your car, subscribe to Streaming Platinum. error.key.trialactivation.1402=This radio may be eligible, but cannot be located using your VIN.

Please enter your RadioID/ESN or contact our Listener Care at 1-888-756-2550. error.key.trialactivation.1403=Our records indicate this radio is not eligible for a complimentary trial.

Please contact Listener Care with any questions at 1-888-756-2550. error.key.trialactivation.5035=Your radio is not eligible because it is not capable of receiving audio.

Please go to SiriusXM.com/activate to set up a new account, or log in to add this radio to your existing account. error.key.trialactivation.3492.gtrack=trialactivation/form/error/notfound error.key.trialactivation.1401.gtrack=trialactivation/form/error/notfound error.key.trialactivation.3493.gtrack=trialactivation/form/error/notfound error.key.trialactivation.3494.gtrack=trialactivation/form/error/format error.key.trialactivation.3495.gtrack=trialactivation/form/error/noteligible error.key.trialactivation.1402.gtrack=trialactivation/form/error/multiesn error.key.trialactivation.3496.gtrack=trialactivation/form/error/noteligible_demo error.key.trialactivation.3497.gtrack=trialactivation/form/error/noteligible_active error.key.trialactivation.3498.gtrack=trialactivation/form/error/noteligible error.key.trialactivation.5035.gtrack=trialactivation/form/error/noteligible error.key.trialactivation.generic=Sorry, we have encountered a technical problem. Please contact Listener Care with any questions at 1-888-756-2550. error.key.servicelanoneclick.generic=Unable to Process Your Request. An error occurred in attempting to activate your radio. Please call our Customer Service Center at 1-888-756-2550 and speak with one of our Customer Representatives to get your radio activated. #Online activation tool project error message error.key.trialactivation.101=A trial subscription is not available for this Radio ID. To activate service on this radio, add a subscription. error.key.trialactivation.103=According to our system, this car is not equipped with a satellite radio. Check and re-enter your VIN or try entering your Radio ID. If you need help, call 1-888-756-2550. error.key.trialactivation.105=This radio may be eligible, but cannot be located using your VIN. Please enter your Radio ID/ESN or contact our Listener Care at 1-888-756-2550. error.key.trialactivation.106=We are having trouble finding your radio. If you believe this to be an error, please call us at 1-844-765-1476. If you would like to enjoy SiriusXM outside of your car, subscribe to Streaming Platinum. error.key.trialactivation.107=This radio already has an active paid subscription associated with it. If you are unable to hear SiriusXM, try refreshing your radio. For more help chat with an agent. error.key.trialactivation.108=We''re sorry. This radio may be eligible but cannot be activated online at this time. Please call 1-888-756-2550. error.key.trialactivation.109=This radio already has an active trial. If you are unable to hear SiriusXM, try refreshing your radio. If you’re ready to add a subscription for when your trial ends, check out our great offer or call 1-844-765-1475. error.key.trialactivation.110=This radio already has an active trial and your paid subscription will start once your trial is over. If you are unable to hear SiriusXM, try refreshing your radio. For more help, chat with an agent. error.key.trialactivation.111=This radio is already active on a {2} Month trial. If you are unable to hear SiriusXM, try refreshing your radio. If you’re ready to add a subscription for when your trial ends, check out our great offer. error.key.trialactivation.112=Your trial recently ended. Your radio is not eligible for another trial. Check out our great offer or call 1-844-765-1477. error.key.trialactivation.113=Your radio is not eligible for a trial subscription. To activate service on this radio, explore this special offer or call 1-844-840-6032. error.key.trialactivation.114=We''re sorry for the inconvenience, but this radio can''t be activated online. Chat with an agent, or call us at 1-888-601-6271 and let us help. error.key.trialactivation.101.gtrack=trialactivation/drools/error/oembranded error.key.trialactivation.103.gtrack=trialactivation/drools/error/vinsxm error.key.trialactivation.105.gtrack=trialactivation/drools/error/vinmulti error.key.trialactivation.106.gtrack=trialactivation/drools/error/esn error.key.trialactivation.107.gtrack=trialactivation/drools/error/paidsubscription error.key.trialactivation.108.gtrack=trialactivation/drools/error/otldemo error.key.trialactivation.109.gtrack=trialactivation/drools/error/trialwithoutfollowon error.key.trialactivation.110.gtrack=trialactivation/drools/error/trialwithfollowon error.key.trialactivation.111.gtrack=trialactivation/drools/error/trialusedcarwithoutfollowon # Make A Payment error.cuwi.makepayment.postalcode.required = Please provide a zip code. error.cuwi.makepayment.address.required = Enter your address. error.validation.cuwi.makepayment.address.required = Only numbers, letters, dashes, #, period, comma, hyphen and apostrophe are allowed. error.cuwi.makepayment.city.required = Enter your city. error.cuwi.makepayment.state.required = Select your state. error.cuwi.makepayment.cardnumber.required = Enter your card number. Please do not include any dashes or other formatting error.cuwi.makepayment.nameoncard.required = Enter your name exactly as it appears on the card. error.cuwi.makepayment.exp.date.required = Please provide an expiration date. error.cuwi.makepayment.cardtype.required = Please select a card type. error.validation.payment.cc.failure=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.validation.makepayment=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. error.validation.payment.not.greater.amount = The amount to pay not more than the balance due. error.cuwi.makepayment.total.amount.required = An amount to pay must be entered error.validation.makepayment.range = The amount to pay must be between $2.00 and $1000.00 error.validation.payment.address.failure=It seems there is a problem with the address information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. # Billing Address error.update.billing.postalcode.required = Please provide a zip code. error.update.billing.address.required = Enter your address. error.validation.update.billing.address.required = Only numbers, letters, dashes, #, period, comma, hyphen and apostrophe are allowed. error.update.billing.city.required = Enter your city. error.update.billing.state.required = Select your state. # Critical error page copy.criticalerror.header=System Error copy.criticalerror.title=Bummer. copy.criticalerror.msg1=A technical error occurred and we''re working on resolving it. copy.criticalerror.msg2=Until then, if you need assistance you can chat online with an agent or call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. Thanks for understanding. copy.criticalerror.or=or copy.criticalerror.return=Return to # Below error message added for winback angular flow copy.criticalerror.msg3=Until then, if you need assistance you can chat online with an agent or call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. Thanks for understanding. # Error message key mapping error.key.rehit.HAD_ONE_REHIT=error.radio.rehit.error.onerehit error.key.rehit.HAD_THREE_REHIT=error.radio.rehit.limit.exceeded.morethanoneorall error.key.rehit.ESN_NOT_FOUND=error.radio.rehit.radio.required error.key.rehit.ESN_NOT_ACTIVE=error.radio.rehit.subscription.inactive error.key.rehit.ERR_WHILE_SUBMIT_REQUEST=error.key.0 error.key.rehit.SUBSCRIPTION_CLOSED=error.radio.rehit.radio.subscr.closed error.key.rehit.PHONE_NOT_FOUND=error.radio.rehit.phone.notfound error.key.rehit.MORETHAN_FIVE_ACTIVE=error.radio.rehit.radios.morethan5 error.key.rehit.ALL_RADIOS_FAILURE=erro.radio.rehit.allfailure.refreshpage error.key.rehit.VIN_NOT_ASSOCIATED_WITH_RADIOS=error.radio.rehit.vin.noradiosassociated error.key.winback.ACCOUNT_CLOSED_INACTIVE=copy.webforms.winback.plan.validation.msg.1 error.key.winback.POSTCODE_NO_MATCH=copy.webforms.ccupdate.validation.msg2 error.key.winback.PHONE_NO_MATCH=copy.webforms.ccupdate.validation.msg3 error.key.winback.ESN_NOT_VALID=copy.webforms.winback.esn.validation.msg.2 error.key.winback.ACCOUNT_IN_COLLECTIONS=copy.webforms.winback.account.incollections.msg error.key.winback.130=copy.webforms.winback.validation.accountnotfound error.key.winback.131=copy.webforms.winback.validation.accountnotfound.veteransplans error.key.winback.140=copy.webforms.winback.validation.lastnamenotfound error.key.winback.1051=copy.webforms.winback.esn.validation.msg.1 error.key.winback.1054=copy.webforms.winback.esn.validation.msg.veteransplans error.key.winback.1053=copy.webforms.winback.esn.validation.msg.2 error.key.winback.1052=copy.webforms.winback.esn.validation.msg.1 error.key.winback.1512=copy.webforms.winback.generic.validation.msg.1 error.key.winback.WINBACK_ESN_HAS_FOLLOWON=copy.webforms.winback.esn.validation.msg.3 error.key.winback.WINBACK_ESN_IS_ENHANCED=copy.webforms.winback.esn.validation.msg.4 error.key.winback.ESN_NOT_FOUND=copy.webforms.winback.esn.validation.msg.1 error.key.winback.WINBACK_ESN_HAS_PAID_SUBSCRIPTION=copy.webforms.winback.esn.validation.msg.3 error.key.winback.WINBACK_GENERIC_ERROR_MSG=copy.webforms.winback.generic.validation.msg.1 error.key.winback.WINBACK_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND=copy.webforms.winback.validation.accountnotfound error.key.winback.WINBACK_ACC_TYPE_INVALID_ERROR_MSG=validation.login.accounttypeinvaild error.key.upsell.ACCOUNT_CLOSED_INACTIVE=copy.webforms.upsell.plan.validation.msg.1 error.key.upsell.POSTCODE_NO_MATCH=copy.webforms.ccupdate.validation.msg2 error.key.upsell.PHONE_NO_MATCH=copy.webforms.ccupdate.validation.msg3 error.key.upsell.ACCOUNT_IN_COLLECTIONS=copy.webforms.upsell.account.incollections.msg error.key.upsell.130=copy.webforms.upsell.validation.accountnotfound error.key.updatecc.ACCOUNT_CLOSED_INACTIVE=copy.webforms.ccupdate.validation.msg1 error.key.updatecc.POSTCODE_NO_MATCH=copy.webforms.ccupdate.validation.msg2 error.key.updatecc.PHONE_NO_MATCH=copy.webforms.ccupdate.validation.msg3 error.key.updatecc.130=copy.webforms.ccupdate.validation.msg1 error.key.makeccpayment.ACCOUNT_CLOSED_INACTIVE=copy.webforms.makepayment.validation.msg1 error.key.makeccpayment.POSTCODE_NO_MATCH=copy.webforms.ccupdate.validation.msg2 error.key.makeccpayment.PHONE_NO_MATCH=copy.webforms.ccupdate.validation.msg3 error.key.makeccpayment.130=copy.webforms.makepayment.validation.msg1 error.key.makeccpayment.bypass.invalidaccountformat=Account Number format is invalid error.key.makeccpayment.bypass.accountnotfound=Account is not found error.key.makeccpayment.bypass.unabletodecode=Invalid key or corrupted URL # Validation Message error.valid.username.required=Please enter the Username on the account. error.valid.username.invalid=We did not find your Username in our records. Please try again, or call Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. error.valid.username.dualdb=We are unable to retrieve your password. Please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271 for assistance and we''ll help sort this out. error.key.selfcare.1251=We did not find your Username in our records. Please try again, or call Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. #Package Selection validation messages add.internet.email.required=Enter your email address. add.internet.emailorusername.required=Enter a valid email address or username. add.internet.email.format=Please enter email in correct format. add.internet.username.required=Username is Required. add.internet.username.length=Username must contain between 6-20 characters. add.internet.username.format=Username entered contains one or more invalid characters. add.internet.username.alreadyinuse=Username entered is already being used. Please try a different Username. add.internet.password.required=Password is Required. add.internet.password.length=Password must contain between 8-20 characters. add.internet.password.format=Password entered contains one or more invalid characters. add.internet.password.mismatch=Password must match # Verify Account error messages verify.account.postalcode.required=Enter your Zip Code verify.account.lastname.required=Enter your Last Name verify.account.phone.required=Enter your Phone Number verify.account.esn.required=Enter your Radio ID verify.account.invalid.accountinfo=The information you provided does not match a SiriusXM account. Please try again. If you need help, you can use the "Chat Now" button to chat live with a member of our support team, or you can call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. verify.account.invalid.esnorAccountnumber=The Radio ID (ESN or SID) or Account Number was not found. Please verify that you correctly entered the number and then try again. verify.account.invalid.Vinnumber=The VIN was not found. Please verify that you correctly entered the number. If you are sure the VIN you entered is the VIN associated with your vehicle, then we recommend that you try using your Radio ID (ESN or SID) or Account Number instead. # Register Account error messages register.account.emailaddress.required=Email is required. register.account.confirmationEmail.required=You must re-enter your Email. register.account.confirmationEmail.mismatch=Email addresses must match. register.account.password.required=Password is required. register.account.valid.password.required=We''re sorry, your new password does not comply with our policy. Please try again. register.account.password2.required=You must re-enter your Password register.account.password2.mismatch=Passwords must match. # SIR validation.agreement=You must agree to our Service Terms and Conditions. validation.sir.accounts.selected=You must select a username above. validation.sir.linkedesn.selected=You must select an ESN above. validation.sir.plan.required=You must select a plan above. validation.sir.password.required=Invalid Password validation.sir.username.required=Invalid Username validation.sir.username.invalid=Invalid Username validation.creditcard.auth=Error creating account, please verify that your credit card information is correct. validation.sirlogin.master=A master account login is required. # ITQ 17086 - for activation home and manage account # ITQ 17086 - invalid login for manage account validation.manage_account.login.unsuccessful=Login unsuccessful. Please try again. If this problem persists, please contact SIRIUS Listener Care at 888-539-SIRIUS (7474).
validation.login.concurrentsubscriptions.found=The subscriptions on your account this be managed over the internet. Please call Listener Care at 1-800-XM-RADIO (967-2346) for help with your account.
# Gift Card Validation messages validation.giftcard.expired=Expired validation.giftcard.1=Your gift card cannot be redeemed. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. validation.giftcard.2=The card you have entered has no balance remaining on it. Please try another card or skip this step to complete your account activation. validation.giftcard.3=Your gift card cannot be redeemed. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. validation.giftcard.4=Your gift card cannot be redeemed. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. validation.giftcard.5=Invalid PIN number validation.giftcard.6=Your gift card cannot be redeemed because it has expired. validation.giftcard.7=Your gift card cannot be redeemed. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. validation.giftcard.8=Your gift card cannot be redeemed. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. validation.giftcard.9=Your gift card cannot be redeemed. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. validation.giftcard.10=Your gift card cannot be redeemed. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. validation.giftcard.11=Your gift card cannot be redeemed. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. validation.giftcard.12=There was a problem processing your gift card. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. validation.giftcard.13=There was a problem processing your gift card. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. validation.giftcard.15=There was a problem processing your gift card. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. validation.giftcard.16=There was a problem processing your gift card. For more information, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. validation.giftcard.redeem.default=An unknown error prevented your Gift Card from being redeemed. Please call Listener Care to redeem your gift card. validation.giftcard.notvalidexpdate=Expiration date is not valid. validation.giftcard.cvv=Enter a valid Security Code (CVV) # OAC Password Validation Errors accountcenter.update.duplicate.username.error=The Username entered is already being used, please try a different Username. accountcenter.update.invalid.password = Invalid Old Password accountcenter.update.password.mismatch = Password must match accountcenter.update.new.password.required = Password must be between 6 and 20 characters. accountcenter.update.retype.password.required = Retype your password accountcenter.update.password.invalid.characters = Password contains invalid characters # Update Internet Credentials accountcenter.update.sirlogin.firstname.required=First Name is required. accountcenter.update.sirlogin.firstname.invalid=Please enter a valid First name. accountcenter.update.sirlogin.lastname.required=Last name is required. accountcenter.update.sirlogin.lastname.invalid=Please enter a valid Last name. accountcenter.update.sirlogin.email.required=Enter your email address. accountcenter.update.sirlogin.email.format=Please enter email in correct format. accountcenter.update.sirlogin.username.required=Please enter the Username on the account. accountcenter.update.sirlogin.password.required=Password is required. accountcenter.update.sirlogin.password.length=Password must contain between 6-20 characters. accountcenter.update.sirlogin.password.invalid=Password entered contains one or more invalid characters. accountcenter.update.sirlogin.password2.required=Re-enter your Password. accountcenter.update.sirlogin.validation.password=Please enter your password accountcenter.update.sirlogin.validation.password.confirm=Please retype your password accountcenter.update.sirlogin.validation.password.length=Password must be between 6 and 20 characters. validation.first.name.length = First Name must contain between 2 and 30 characters validation.last.name.length = Last Name must contain between 2 and 60 characters validation.email.address.required = Enter Email address validation.email.address.invalid = The entered Email address is in an invalid format accountcenter.update.sirlogin.validation.login.invalid.chars.sir=The Username entered contains one or more invalid characters accountcenter.update.sirlogin.validation.login.length.sir=The Username must contain between 6 and 20 characters. validation.invalid.password.length.sir=Password must be between 6 and 20 characters validation.password.invalid.chars.sir=Password contains invalid characters validation.invalid.password.confirm.length=Password must be between 6 and 20 characters. accountcenter.update.sirlogin.validation.password.mismatch = Password must match #VJ radio swap update radioswap.error.maxrehitlimit=Maximum limit reached for rehit in last 24 hours radioswap.error.choice.pkg.not.supported=We''re sorry, the new radio does not support Choice packages. Please call 1-866-635-7764 for further assistance. error.key.selfcare.1005=We''re sorry; the Radio ID you entered is not valid. radioswap.error.key.selfcare.1053=This radio is already active on another account. If you have a complimentary trial in your vehicle and are receiving this error, please go to siriusxm.com/extendnow and follow the steps. If you still encounter problems, please contact Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. radioswap.valid.esn.required=We''re sorry; the Radio ID you entered is not valid. Please check the Radio ID and try again. error.key.selfcare.1052=We''re sorry; the Radio ID you entered is not valid. Please check the Radio ID and try again. error.radio.swap.account.mismatch=Unfortunately, a {0} radio cannot be replaced with a {1} radio. Please contact Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. swap.radio.unsupported.capabilities=The new radio does not support the current capabilities: {0}. Please click on change plan and remove these capabilities and try again. # VIN Lookup vin.lookup.error.message=Please enter a valid VIN and resubmit. vin.lookup.response.no.matches.message1=Hmmm, it seems this vehicle is not equipped with SiriusXM! vin.lookup.response.no.matches.message2=If you believe otherwise, call Listener Care at 1-866-635-2349 vin.lookup.response.no.matches.message3=Learn more about what you need to make your vehicle "satellite radio ready" by visiting shop.SiriusXM.com. vin.lookup.response.multiple.matches.message1=Good news! This vehicle''s equipped with a SiriusXM radio! vin.lookup.response.multiple.matches.message2=Your VIN is linked to multiple RadioIDs. vin.lookup.response.multiple.matches.message3=Please call Listener Care at 1-866-635-2349 and we''ll help sort this out. #Pre Owned Vehicles congratulation page values pov.conf.account.mismatch.msg=You cannot combine a Sirius Radio and an XM Radio on the same account. You will need to create a new account for this radio. Click 'Continue' to open a new {0} account pov.eligibility.error.radioid.required=Please enter a valid VIN or Radio ID. pov.eligibility.error.radioid.invalid=Please enter a valid VIN or Radio ID. pov.eligibility.error.lastname.required=Last name is required. pov.eligibility.error.lastname.invalid=Please enter a valid last name. pov.eligibility.error.zipcode.required=Please enter your ZIP code. pov.eligibility.error.zipcode.invalid=Please enter a valid ZIP code. # CMS error.key.10010=No Packages Available # account info validation message account.info.firstname.required=First Name is required. account.info.lastname.required=Last name is required. account.info.email.required=Enter your email address. account.info.email.format=Please enter email in correct format. account.info.confirmationEmail.required=Re-enter your email address. account.info.password.required=Password is required. account.info.password.length=Password must contain between 6-20 characters. account.info.password.invalid=Password entered contains one or more invalid characters. account.info.password2.required= Please re-enter your Password. account.info.password2.mismatch=Passwords must match. account.info.address.required=Enter your address. account.info.phone.invalid=Enter a valid phone number. account.info.error.address.required=Only numbers, letters, dashes, #, period, comma, hyphen and apostrophe are allowed. account.info.error.address.invalid=Enter a valid address. account.info.city.required=Enter your city. account.info.state.required=Select your state. account.info.postalCode.required=Enter your ZIP code. account.info.phone.required=Phone number is required. account.info.phone.fomat=Phone number is required. account.info.foreflight.phone.required=*Enter your phone number. account.info.foreflight.phone.fomat=*Enter your phone number. account.info.foreflight.email.required=*Enter your Email address account.info.foreflight.email.format=*Enter your Email address account.info.foreflight.address.required=*Enter your address. account.info.foreflight.address.fomat=*Enter your address. account.info.foreflight.city.required=*Enter your city. account.info.foreflight.city.fomat=*Enter your city. account.info.foreflight.zipcode.required=*Enter your ZIP code. account.info.foreflight.zipcode.fomat=*Enter your ZIP code. # password reset validation messages reset.password.username.required=A valid Username is required to continue. reset.password.password1.required=A valid Password is required to continue. reset.password.password2.required=Re-enter Password must match New Password. #SIR only login flow accountcenter.sironly.pagetitle=SiriusXM Streaming Account Information validation.updatesir=There was an error processing the request. #Non-Pay Flow copy.nonpay.reactivateradio.title=Pay my balance due and reactivate my radio copy.nonpay.reactivateradio.button=Clicking "Continue" will allow you to log into your account and reactivate your radio. Your balance due will be included with your purchase charges. # ESN promotion Setup Page # to overide this with us propety files ITQ 19309 validation.location.invalid=Please Select a Location validation.promo.invalid=Please enter a valid Promo Code # AVS error.avs.dialog.verify.subheader1=According to the United States Postal Service, your {0} address is missing important information. error.avs.dialog.verify.header=Verify your address validation.address.refine.multiple=According to the USPS, the address you entered has incorrect or missing information. Please update the address to continue. validation.address.refine.premises=According to the USPS, the address you entered has an invalid or missing Apartment/Suite/Unit number. Please update the address to continue. validation.address.refine.street=According to the USPS, the address you entered has an invalid or missing building number. Please update the address to continue. validation.address.refine.nondeliverable=According to the USPS, the address you entered is non-deliverable.
Please update the address to continue. validation.address.edit=Enter your address. validation.address.refine=Address requires refinement #billing billing.error.desc=If your statement does not appear below, try refreshing the page. If that doesn't work, please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271. billing.error.page.title=Where's my statement? billing.error.back=Back to Statements # Invalid Promo Code validation.promoCode.invalid=Invalid Promo Code # Payment Validation validation.payment.cc.date=Please provide an expiration date. validation.payment.cc.type=Select the card type. validation.payment.cc.number.invalid=Enter your card number. Please do not include any dashes or other formatting. validation.payment.cc.failure=It seems there is a problem with the credit card information you provided. Please try re-entering the information. validation.payment.type.required=Please select a Payment method. validation.payment.cc.invalidname= validation.payment.amount.format=A number must be entered. validation.payment.amount=
*The amount to pay must be between $5.00 and $1000.00 validation.payment.amount.range=
*The amount to pay must be between $5.00 and $1000.00 validation.payment.amount.required=An amount to pay must be entered validation.payment.not.greater.amount =
* The amount to pay not more than the balance due. validation.payment.cc.expiration.date=Enter a valid expiration date validation.payment.cc.expiration.futureDate=The expiration date must be a future date validation.payment.cc.expiration.month=Please provide an expiration month. validation.payment.cc.expiration.year=Please provide an expiration year. validation.payment.cc.name.required=Name on card is required. validation.payment.cc.cvv=Enter a valid Security Code (CVV) # Activation Validation validation.activation.date.future=Your Future Activation Date Cannot be More than 90 Days from Today validation.activation.checklist=Please check the boxes to proceed. If you haven't completed the action associated with each check box, your radio will not activate. validation.activation.checklist.noquote=There was an error processing the request. # winback upsell forms messages copy.webforms.winback.esn.validation.msg.1=We could not find your account. Please make sure that you entered the Radio ID and Account Number correctly. copy.webforms.winback.esn.validation.msg.2=Radio ID (ESN or SID) is active on another account. copy.webforms.winback.esn.validation.msg.3=The radio you entered is not eligible for this offer because it has an active subscription. You may use this page to reactivate a different radio that is eligible for this offer. To manage your account and subscriptions online, please visit the Online Account Center. copy.webforms.winback.esn.validation.msg.4=You cannot purchase this offer online because you have previously enhanced your trial. Please call Listener Care at 877-486-5979 to purchase your offer. We apologize for the inconvenience. copy.webforms.winback.esn.validation.msg.attempts=Sorry we''re having trouble finding your radio. Please try re-entering your information or you can chat with an agent. For more help, call us at 1-855-584-0115. copy.webforms.winback.esn.validation.msg.veteransplans=We could not find your account. Please make sure that you entered the Radio ID and Account Number correctly or call 866-295-7625 copy.webforms.winback.esn.validation.msg.wrongradioIDlength=Radio IDs have 8 or 12 characters. Please check the Radio ID. copy.webforms.winback.plan.validation.msg.1=Your account is not eligible to purchase this offer online. For help, please call Listener Care at (877) 486-5979. copy.webforms.upsell.plan.validation.msg.1=We are unable to complete this transaction online. Please call Listener Care at (877) 486-5979. We apologize for the inconvenience. copy.webforms.winback.plan.validation.msg.nomatchingplans=Sorry, we have encountered a technical problem. To purchase the special offer, please call Listener Care at (877) 486-5979. copy.webforms.upsell.plan.validation.msg.nomatchingplans=We are unable to complete this transaction online. Please call Listener Care at (877) 486-5979. We apologize for the inconvenience. copy.webforms.winback.validation.accountnotfound=We could not find your account. Please make sure that you entered the Radio ID and Account Number correctly. copy.webforms.winback.validation.accountnotfound.veteransplans=We could not find your account. Please make sure that you entered the Radio ID and Account Number correctly or call 866-295-7625 copy.webforms.winback.validation.lastnamenotfound=We could not find your account. Please make sure that you entered the Radio ID and Last Name correctly. copy.webforms.upsell.validation.accountnotfound=This account number does not match the number we have on file. Please try again or call (877) 486-5979. copy.webforms.winback.account.incollections.msg=We are unable to complete this transaction online. Please call Listener Care at (877) 486-5979. We apologize for the inconvenience. copy.webforms.upsell.account.incollections.msg=We are unable to complete this transaction online. Please call Listener Care at (877) 486-5979. We apologize for the inconvenience. copy.webforms.winback.generic.validation.msg.1=Sorry, we have encountered a technical problem. To purchase the special offer, please call Listener Care at (877) 486-5979. #Web forms copy.webforms.ccupdate.validation.msg1=We are unable to complete this transaction online. Please call Listener Care at (866) 635-5037. We apologize for the inconvenience. copy.webforms.makepayment.validation.msg1=We are unable to locate your account. Please call Listener Care at (888) 635-5036. We apologize for the inconvenience. copy.webforms.ccupdate.validation.msg2=According to our records, the zip code entered does not match the one currently associated with the account. Please verify the zip code and try again. copy.webforms.ccupdate.validation.msg3=According to our records, the phone number entered does not match the one currently associated with the account. Please verify the phone number and try again. copy.webforms.validation.address.edit=According to the USPS, the address you entered has incorrect or missing information. Please update the address to continue. #Package pricing plan selection copy.planselection.incompatible.receiver=This package is not compatible with your current radio. copy.planselection.nopackages.available=No Packages Available copy.planselection.packages.genericerror=Unexpected error while retrieving Packages error.no.plans.found=No Plans! # Forgot Password validation.forgot.password=We're sorry, we can't locate an account with that username. Please call Listener Care at 888-539-SIRIUS (7474) for assistance. validation.username.length=You must use a valid username to retrieve your password. # ALC Collections Pre-auth failure... copy.alc.change.channel.cc.pre-auth.failure=Credit Card authorization failed # new POC - Added to bottom for now but will integrate during properties clean-up task validation.exact.length.phone=Please enter a 10 digit phone number with no formatting. validation.exact.length.default=Invalid Length validation.exact.length.esn=Please enter a 12 digit ESN number. validation.zip.format=Invalid Postal Code validation.configuration.error=A configuration problem has occurred which prevented this form from being validated. validation.configuration.required=A required configuration property/value is missing. #The message below is for account inactive,Generic CNA or unsupported customer type. validation.account.invalid=Please contact Listener Care: 1-888-539-7474. validation.account.fields.mismatch=We’re unable to locate your account. Please re-enter your information and try again or contact Listener Care: 1-888-539-7474. validation.account.noemail=There is no email address on your account ‑ we can’t send you your username. Please contact Listener Care at 1-888-539-7474. validation.forgot.username.first=Please enter a first name. validation.forgot.username.last=Please enter a last name. validation.forgot.username.esn_vin=Please enter an ESN or VIN # error.key.2000=We’re unable to locate your account. Please re-enter your information and try again or contact Listener Care: 1-888-539-7474. #FPO OEM Account setup validation.username.invalid=You have entered an invalid username. Please try again. validation.username.inuse=The Username entered is already being used, please try a different Username. validation.oem.passwords.mismtach=Your passwords do not match. Please re-enter your password in both
password fields. validation.oem.email=Enter a valid email address. validation.email.mismatch=Your email addresses do not match. Please re-enter your email address. validation.forgot.username=Enter a username. validation.forgot.newPassword=Enter a password. validation.forgot.confirmPassword=Re-enter your password. validation.forgot.email=Enter an email address. validation.forgot.confirmEmail=Re-enter your email address. # FPO OEM Account Setup Confirmation validation.transaction.error=Sorry, we were unable to process your last transaction. Please try again or contact Listener Care: 888-601-6271. validation.plans.error=We are unable to complete this transaction online. Please call Listener Care at 888-601-6271 and we''ll help sort this out. # SXIR login error login.message.sirlogin=
The username and password you entered is for logging into streaming. To manage your account, please use your primary Online Account Center username and password. Chat with an agent for additional help.
#Ping Authentication Gateway errors login.message.error.username.sxir=
The username and password you entered is for logging into streaming. To manage your account, please use your primary Online Account Center username and password. Chat with an agent for additional help.
The username and password you tried to log in with is for your SiriusXM Streaming trial. If you already have a SiriusXM subscription, sign into your account using the username and password you created for that account. If you are not a subscriber, we invite you to set up a satellite radio account or an online listening account if you do not have a satellite radio and only want to listen online.
Our systems are currently down. Please try again later. We apologize for the inconvenience.
# A La Carte channel change error.key.5102=We cannot complete the channel change because your account is past due. Please pay off your balance using the "Pay Now" button on the "My Account" page. error.key.5106=We are sorry, but you cannot update the payment information for your account online. Please contact Listener Care at (888) 601-6271 for assistance. error.key.5108=This is a consolidated account. Changes can only be made on the parent account. error.streamlined.registration.radioid.mismatch=The Radio ID, Account Number, or VIN that you entered does not match the account associated with your username. If you have more than one SiriusXM account, you may have entered information from your other account. If you need additional help, please call Listener Care at 1-888-601-6271 or use the '"'Chat Now'"' button to chat with an agent. #Login page: login.username.required=Please enter a username. login.password.required=Please enter a password. login.captcha.required=Entered code does not match. Please try again. login.message.timeout.omniture=Our systems are currently down. Please try again later. We apologize for the inconvenience. #Winback FLEPZ error.winback.flepz.login.firstname=Enter your first name. error.winback.flepz.login.lastname=Enter your last name. error.winback.flepz.login.email=Enter a valid email address. error.winback.flepz.login.phonenumber=Enter a valid phone number. error.winback.flepz.login.zipcode=Enter a valid zip code. error.winback.flepz.login.radioid=Enter your Radio ID. error.winback.flepz.login.firstname.invalid=Enter a valid first name. error.winback.flepz.login.lastname.invalid=Enter a valid last name. error.winback.flepz.login.email.invalid=Enter a valid email address. error.winback.flepz.login.phonenumber.invalid=Enter a valid phone number. error.winback.flepz.login.zipcode.invalid=Enter a valid zip code. error.winback.flepz.login.radioid.invalid=Enter a valid Radio ID. #Radio Refresh Common Component error.radio.refresh.component.phonenumber=Enter a valid phone number. error.radio.refresh.component.phonenumber.invalid=Please enter a valid phone number. #Service Continuity sc.generic.error=System error; unable to complete transaction. error.selfpay.promo=The self-pay radio has an active promotional self-pay subscription sc.cannot.convert.demo.to.trial=Cannot convert demo to trial sc.cannot.update.service.contact.when.coverting.demo.to.trial=Cannot update service contact when converting demo to trial service.continuity.omniture.trial.plan.neither.allaccess.nor.select.message=Trial subscription is neither Platinum nor Select audio package service.continuity.omniture.trial.has.an.enhancement.message=Trial subscription has an enhancement service.continuity.omniture.trial.has.followon.message=Trial subscription already has a follow-on purchased service.continuity.omniture.trial.radio.branded.winback.other.special.offer.message=The trial radio is promo-coded for a winback or other special offer service.continuity.omniture.trial.active.on.other.radio.message=The trial radio is on an account with other radios/services service.continuity.omniture.self.pay.radio.active.promotional.message=The self-pay radio has an active promotional self-pay subscription service.continuity.omniture.self.pay.radio.other.then.allaccess.premier.select.mm.message=The self-pay radio subscription is not AA, Premier, Music & Entertainment or MM. service.continuity.omniture.self.pay.radio.lifetime.message=The self-pay radio has a lifetime subscription service.continuity.omniture.self.pay.radio.infotainment.message=The self-pay radio has an infotainment subscription service.continuity.omniture.self.pay.radio.non.pay.status.message=The self-pay radio''s account is in non-pay status service.continuity.omniture.self.pay.radio.debit.balance.due.message=The self-pay radio''s account had a debit balance due service.continuity.omniture.self.pay.radio.pending.refund.message=The self-pay radio''s account has a pending refund service.continuity.omniture.account.has.morethen.10.subscriptions.message=The self-pay radio''s account has 10 or more subscriptions service.continuity.omniture.account.has.only.1.standalonesir.message=The self-pay radio''s account only has a standalone SXIR subscription service.continuity.omniture.account.account.type.not.individual.message=The self-pay radio''s account has an account type not = "individual" service.continuity.omniture.account.part.of.traditional.hierarchy.message=The self-pay radio''s account is part of a traditional hierarchy. service.continuity.omniture.account.tax.exempt.message=The self-pay radio''s account is tax-exempt. service.continuity.omniture.trial.radio.not.branded.oem.message=The trial radio is not branded for an OEM trial service.continuity.omniture.customer.cancels.out.of.service.message=Customer cancels out of Service Continuity voluntarily service.continuity.omniture.trial.service.cannot.be.activated.message=The trial service cannot be activated. service.continuity.omniture.neither.trial.nor.demo.message=The "trial radio" has neither an active trial or demo subscription. service.continuity.omniture.cna.message=CNA mis-match. service.continuity.omniture.self.pay.radio.other.then.promo.allaccess.select.mm.message=Self-pay radio''s promotional subscription is not eligible for Service Continuity. service.continuity.omniture.trial.radio.not.capable.of.allaccess=Trial radio is pre-Gen3 model, not capable of AA. service.continuity.omniture.self.pay.radio.diactivated.message=The self-pay radio was deactivated >30 days ago. service.continuity.omniture.non.coterminious.trial.message=trial radio has plan history error.key.305=Your subscription transfer cannot be completed online. # Error messages for the OAC Router forms: error.router.radioid.required=Enter a valid Radio ID or VIN. error.router.radioid.invalid=Enter a valid Radio ID (usually 8 or 12 characters) or VIN (usually 17 characters). Please try re-entering it or search using your customer info. error.router.radioid.format=The Radio ID or VIN you entered is invalid. Please try re-entering it or search using your customer info. error.router.radioid.selector.invalid=Enter a valid Radio ID (usually 8 or 12 characters) or VIN (usually 17 characters). error.router.radioid.selector.format=The Radio ID or VIN you entered is invalid. Please try re-entering it. error.router.radioid.failed.attempts.makeccpayment=We couldn''t find your account with the information you gave us. Please try re-entering it, search using your customer info, or call Listener Care at 1-855-722-4110. error.router.radioid.failed.attempts=We couldn''t find your account with the information you gave us. Please try re-entering it, search using your customer info, or call Listener Care at 1-866-340-6033. error.router.radioid.failed.attempts.with.247.chat.link=Sorry we are having trouble finding your radio. Try re-entering your information or search using your customer info. Otherwise, you can chat with an agent or call us at 1-866-340-6033. error.router.radioid.failed.attempts.notoggle=We couldn''t find your account with the information you gave us. Please try re-entering it or call Listener Care at (888) 635-5036. error.router.radioid.failed.flepz.attempts.with.247.chat.link=Sorry we are having trouble finding your radio. Try re-entering your information or search using your customer info. error.router.radioid.failed.flepz.attempts.with.247.chat.link.notoggle=Sorry we are having trouble finding your radio. Try re-entering your information. error.router.radioid.foreflight.invalid=The Radio ID you entered is invalid. Please try re-entering it. error.router.radioid.isforeflightcapable=The Radio ID entered is not compatible with the ForeFlight service. #error.router.radioid.foreflight.alreadyactive=This radio already has a subscription. Please call Aviation Care at 855-838-8563. error.router.radioid.foreflight.alreadyactive=This radio already has a subscription. Please Log In to add SiriusXM Pilot for ForeFlight to your existing account. error.omniture.radioid.foreflight.invalid=RadioID is Invalid error.omniture.radioid.foreflight.alreadyactive=RadioId is Active error.omniture.radioid.isforeflightcapable=RadioId is not ForeFlight Capable error.router.multipleaccount.found=We found multiple accounts with the information you gave us. Help us find the correct one by searching using a Radio ID, Account Number or VIN. error.router.multipleaccount.found.notoggle=We found multiple accounts with the information you gave us. #Error messages for marine/aviation router forms error.router.marineaviation.radioid.required=Enter a valid Radio ID. error.router.marineaviation.radioid.failed.attempts=
Sorry we are having trouble finding your radio. You can try re-entering your Radio ID, or chat with an agent for help. error.router.marineaviation.radioid.failed.attempts.with.247.chat.link=
Sorry we are having trouble finding your radio. You can try re-entering your Radio ID, or chat with an agent for help. error.router.marineaviation.radioid.invalid=Enter a valid Radio ID (usually 8 or 12 characters). Please try re-entering it. error.router.marineaviation.radioid.selector.invalid=Enter a valid Radio ID (usually 8 or 12 characters). error.router.flepz.failed.attempts=We couldn''t find your account with the information you gave us. Please try re-entering it or search using your customer info. error.router.flepz.failed.attempts.notoggle=We couldn''t find your account with the information you gave us. Please try re-entering it. error.router.flepz.failed.attempts.with.247.chat.link=Sorry we''re having trouble finding your radio. Try re-entering your information or search using your Radio ID or VIN. Otherwise, you can chat with an agent or call us at 1-888-601-6271 and let us help. error.router.flepz.failed.attempts.with.247.chat.link.notoggle=Sorry we''re having trouble finding your radio. Try re-entering your information or call us at 1-888-601-6271 and let us help. error.router.account.notfound=We couldn''t find your account with the information you gave us. Please try re-entering it or search using a Radio ID, Account Number or VIN. error.router.account.notfound.notoggle=We couldn''t find your account with the information you gave us. Please try re-entering it. error.router.invalid.radio=We''re sorry for the inconvenience, but this radio can''t be activated online. Chat with an agent, or call us at 1-888-601-6271 and let us help. error.router.invalid.radio.with.247.chat.link=We''re sorry for the inconvenience, but this radio can''t be activated online. Chat with an agent, or call us at 1-888-601-6271 and let us help. error.router.invalid.vin=We''re sorry, but according to our system, the vehicle you entered isn''t equipped with a satellite radio. Try entering your Radio ID instead. If you''re still having trouble, chat with an agent, or call us at 1-888-756-2550 and let us help. error.router.invalid.vin.with.247.chat.link=We''re sorry, but according to our system, the vehicle you entered isn''t equipped with a satellite radio. Try entering your Radio ID instead. If you''re still having trouble, chat with an agent, or call us at 1-888-756-2550 and let us help. error.router.account.alreadyactive=Your radio(s) are already active. You can either login to manage your subscription or you can chat with an agent or call us at 1-888-601-6271 and let us help. error.router.account.alreadyactive.with.247.chat.link=Your radio(s) are already active. You can either login to manage your subscription or you can chat with an agent or call us at 1-888-601-6271 and let us help. error.flepzcomponent.flepz.failed=We couldn''t find your account with the information you gave us. Please try re-entering it or search using a Radio ID, Account Number or VIN. error.router.transaction=Sorry, we were unable to process your last transaction. Please try again or chat with an agent. For more help, call us at 1-855-584-0115. error.router.noncoterminous.changeplan.not.allowed=We''re sorry for the inconvenience, but this subscription can''t be modified online. Chat with an agent, or call us at 1-866-765-0547 and let us help. error.router.promocode.override.required=Promo code entered is not found. Please re-enter or clear the field. error.flepzcomponent.ridlname.doesnotmatch=We couldn''t find your account with the information you entered. Please try re-entering it or call Listener Care at 1-866-340-6033. error.flepzcomponent.ridlname.doesnotmatch.makeccpayment=We couldn''t find your account with the information you entered. Please try re-entering it or call Listener Care at 1-855-722-4110. #Offer to Offer error.flepzcomponent.o2o.noteligible=Sorry, the radio ID you entered is not eligible for this offer. Please try re-entering it or call Listener Care at 1-866-340-6033. # Error messages for Credit Card Payment form: error.creditcardpayment.unauthorized=We were unable to authorize your saved {0} card ending in {1}. Please enter new payment information. error.accountnumber.required=Enter a valid account number. error.lastname.required=Enter your last name. error.zipcode.required=Enter your zip code. error.phonenumber.required=Enter your phone number. error.valid.phonenumber.required=Enter a valid Phone Number. #end validation.plans.notdisplayed.msg=Not Displayed # Error messages for Dealer Conversion (F&I) form: error.fi.empfirstname.required=Enter your first name. error.fi.emplastname.required=Enter your last name. error.fi.empuniqueid.required=Enter your employee unique ID. error.fi.empphone.required=Enter your phone number. error.fi.dealername.required=Enter dealership name. error.fi.address.required=Enter a valid address. error.fi.city.required=Enter a city. error.fi.state.required=Select a state. error.fi.zip.required=Enter a valid zip code. error.fi.custfirstname.required=Enter customer''s first name. error.fi.custlastname.required=Enter customer''s last name. error.fi.custemail.required=Enter customer''s email address. error.fi.custphone.required=Enter customer''s phone number. error.fi.esnorvin.required=Enter a valid Radio ID (usually 8 or 12 characters) or VIN (usually 17 characters). error.fi.esnorvin.valid=The Radio ID or VIN you entered is invalid. Please try re-entering it. error.fi.esnorvin.incorrect=Please Enter a Valid ESN. error.fi.esnorvin.notfound=We''re sorry, but according to our system, the vehicle you entered isn''t equipped with a satellite radio. Try entering your Radio ID instead. error.fi.neworpreowned.required=Indicate whether the vehicle is new or preowned. error.fi.serviceinprevvehicle.required=Indicate whether the customer had service in their traded-in or sold vehicle. error.fi.year.required=Enter a year. error.fi.make.required=Enter a make. error.fi.model.required=Enter a model. error.fi.evs=Sorry, we''re still having trouble with the email address you entered. Please enter a different email address to continue. error.fi.cardfirstname.required=Enter your name as it appears on your card. error.fi.cardnumber.required=Enter a valid credit card number. error.fi.cardexpmonth.required=Select an expiration month. error.fi.cardexpyear.required=Select an expiration year. error.fi.cardaddress.required=Enter a valid address. error.fi.cardcity.required=Enter a city. error.fi.cardstate.required=Select a state. error.fi.cardzip.required=Enter a valid zip code. error.fi.acceptagreement.required=Please accept the above agreement. #Account Consolidation account.consolidation.omniture.cna.message=CNA mismatch account.consolidation.omniture.self.pay.radio.lifetime.message=The self-pay radio has a lifetime subscription account.consolidation.omniture.self.pay.radio.infotainment.message=The self-pay radio has an infotainment subscription account.consolidation.omniture.self.pay.radio.non.pay.status.message=The self-pay account is in non-pay status. account.consolidation.omniture.self.pay.radio.debit.balance.due.message=The self-pay account has an oustanding bance >$0. account.consolidation.omniture.self.pay.is.dealer.demo.message=The self-pay account is a dealer demo account. account.consolidation.omniture.account.has.morethan.9.subscriptions.message=The self-pay account has more than nine subscriptions. account.consolidation.omniture.account.has.only.1.standalonesir.message=The self-pay account contains only standalone SXIR. account.consolidation.omniture.account.account.type.not.individual.message=The self-pay account does not have a customer type of "Individual". account.consolidation.omniture.account.part.of.traditional.hierarchy.message=The self-pay radio''s account is part of a traditional hierarchy. account.consolidation.omniture.account.is.scheduled.to.be.part.of.traditional.hierarchy.message=The self-pay radio''s account is scheduled to become part of a traditional hierarchy. account.consolidation.omniture.account.tax.exempt.message=The self-pay account is tax-exempt. account.consolidation.omniture.account.is.closed.message=The self-pay account is closed. account.consolidation.omniture.customer.cancels.out.of.service.message=Customer cancels out of Account Consolidation voluntarily account.consolidation.omniture.trial.service.cannot.be.activated.message=The trial service cannot be activated account.consolidation.omniture.trial.radio.has.selfpaid.message=Cannot consolidate two self-pay accounts account.consolidation.omniture.trial.radio.has.bill.now.followon=Trial radio has bill-now follow-on account.consolidation.omniture.trial.account.has.morethanone.radio=The trial account has >1 radio. account.consolidation.omniture.neither.trial.nor.demo.message=The "trial radio" has neither an active trial or demo subscription account.consolidation.omniture.cannot.consolidate.same.account.message=The self-pay and the given 2nd radio are in the same account. account.consolidation.omniture.self.pay.radio.pending.refund.message=The self-pay radio''s account has a pending refund account.consolidation.omniture.trial.radio.id.not.found.message=ESN/Radio Id not found account.consolidation.omniture.trial.radio.vin.not.found.message=VIN not found account.consolidation.omniture.login.account.has.no.selfpay.plan.message=Cannot consolidate two trial accounts account.consolidation.omniture.trial.radio.not.have.subscription.message=Radio does not have a subscription account.consolidation.omniture.trial.radio.not.have.trial.message=It looks like this radio doesn't have a trial subscription. Please return to the My Subscriptions tab where you can add this radio to your account, or replace another radio with this one. account.consolidation.omniture.trial.radio.closed.message=Trial radio closed more than allowed number of days #below are the global or generic error messages and going forward please use these key value pairs zipcode.error.message=Enter a valid zip code. #Lifetime Persistent Trial Promo lifetime.persistent.trial.message=Your radio is eligible for a prepaid, lifetime subscription. We are unable to process this online. Please chat with an agent or call us at 1-888-601-6271 to activate your radio. lifetime.persistent.trial.omniture.message=Radio has LIFETRIALRESTORE promo code account.consolidation.lifetime.persistent.trial.message=Your radio is eligible for a prepaid, lifetime subscription. We are unable to process this online. #Make a payment flepz error message error.multipleaccount.found=FLEPZ Multiple Account match error.account.notfound=Account not Found error.esn.notfound=ESN not Found error.accountidorvin=accountNumRidVin error.account.notfound.sysmessage=FLEPZ No Account match error.lastname.didnotmatch=Last name not matched error.license.plate.not.found=We didn''t find a VIN for this license plate. Try entering a different license plate, or go back and error.license.plate.not.found.link=use your Radio ID or VIN instead. license.plate.lookup.vin.lookup.overlay.enter.valid.state.error=Select a State. license.plate.lookup.vin.lookup.overlay.aggree.error=Please accept these terms in order to look up your VIN. license.plate.lookup.vin.lookup.overlay.enter.valid.lp.error=Enter a valid License Plate Number. #SC Flepz error message error.account.notfound.scflepz.sysmessage=SC-FLEPZ No Accounts error.account.noselfpay.onetrial.scflepz.sysmessage=SC-FLEPZ One Trial Found, No Self-Pay Found error.account.multipleselfpay.scflepz.sysmessage=SC-FLEPZ Multiple Self-Pay Accounts error.account.multipletrial.scflepz.sysmessage=SC-FLEPZ Multiple Trial Accounts error.account.noteligible.scflepz.sysmessage=SC-FLEPZ Self-Pay Account Not Eligible error.account.trial.noteligible.scflepz.sysmessage=SC-FLEPZ Trial Not Eligible error.router.account.nofound.flepz.notoggle=We''re having trouble finding your account. You can try re-entering your information or sign in to complete your transaction. If you''re still having trouble chat with an agent or call 1-855-316-7128. error.account.noteligible.scflepz.action.error=We''re having trouble completing your request. Chat with an agent or call 1-855-316-7128 and a Listener Care agent will be able to assist you. error.account.not.found.flepz.message = We''re having trouble finding your radio. You can try re-entering your Radio ID or VIN, error.call.listener.care = or call 1-855-316-7128 and a Listener Care agent will be able to assist you. error.transction.not.completed = We''re having trouble completing your request. error.chatwith.agent.message= Chat with an agent error.flepz.no.radio.found=No Radio Found error.flepz.radio.closed=Radio closed error.flepz.drool.error=Drool Error error.flepz.not.a.trial=Not a Trial error.flepz.has.follow.on.plan=Has Follow-on Plan error.flepz.multiple.radios.on.account=Multiple radios on Account error.flepz.cna.mismatch=CNA Mismatch error.flepz.child.not.eligible.service.continuity=Child Not Eligible for Service Continuity error.flepz.promo.coded.for.winback=Promo-coded for a winback or other special offer error.not.trialRadio.msg = The radio that was entered does not have a trial. #Promotion code is not active error.key.groupon.2084=Your redemption code has not been activated yet. For help please call the phone number on your Groupon voucher. #Promotion code is redeemed outside of start/end date error.key.groupon.2085=This voucher has expired. Please see your Groupon voucher for details. #Single use promotion code already redeemed in system error.key.groupon.2086=This code has already been redeemed. For help, please call the phone number on your Groupon voucher. #Promotion code not applicable for a given service type error.key.groupon.2087=Your redemption code can’t be redeemed for this type of SiriusXM subscription. For help, please call the phone number on your Groupon voucher. #Promotion code doesn't begin with 'SXM-' error.key.groupon.2088=Promotion code doesn’t begin with 'SXM-' #Promotion code not found error.key.groupon.2089=Your redemption code was not found or is invalid. Please try re-entering it or call the phone number on your Groupon voucher. error.key.groupon.1053=Your radio is not eligible for this offer. Try activating your offer on another radio, or refer to your Groupon voucher for further details. error.key.groupon.1401=We’re sorry, but according to our system, the vehicle you entered isn’t equipped with a satellite radio. Try entering your Radio ID instead. error.key.groupon.1051=Please Enter a Valid ESN. error.key.groupon.3470=The Radio ID or VIN you entered is invalid. Please try re-entering it. groupon.verify.esnOrVin.invalid=Enter a valid Radio ID (usually 8 or 12 characters) or VIN (usually 17 characters). groupon.verify.esnOrVin.required=Enter a valid Radio ID (usually 8 or 12 characters) or VIN (usually 17 characters). groupon.verify.marketingCode.invalid=Enter the Groupon Redemption Code. groupon.verify.marketingCode.required=Enter the Groupon Redemption Code. #usedcartrial coi thank you page coithankyou.error.retreiving.esn=redirected from used-car-trial COI thank-you page because of error retreiving ESN coithankyou.esn.trial.not.exist=redirected from used-car-trial COI thank-you page because ESN does not have a trial #Marketing Promotion code is not active error.key.marketing.promo.2084=Promo code has expired. #Promotion code is redeemed outside of start/end date error.key.marketing.promo.2085=Promo code has expired. #Single use promotion code already redeemed in system error.key.marketing.promo.2086=Promo code has already been redeemed. #Promotion code not applicable for a given service type error.key.marketing.promo.2087=The promo code entered cannot be used for this subscription. #Promotion code doesn't begin with 'SXM-' error.key.marketing.promo.2088=Promo code doesn''t begin with ''SXM-'' #Promotion code not found error.key.marketing.promo.2089=Promo code entered is not found. #Promotion code exception error.key.marketing.promo.generic=Promo code has encountered an unexpected error. #SXIR Redesign Payment Form Validations error.SXIR.valid.firstname.required=Enter your first name. error.SXIR.invalid.firstname=Enter a valid first name. error.SXIR.valid.lastname.required=Enter your last name. error.SXIR.invalid.lastname=Enter a valid last name. error.SXIR.update.billing.address.required=Enter an address. error.SXIR.update.billing.address.invalid=Enter a valid address. error.SXIR.update.billing.phone.required=Enter a phone number. error.SXIR.update.billing.city.required=Enter a city. error.SXIR.update.billing.city.invalid=Enter a valid city. error.SXIR.update.billing.state.required=Select a state. error.SXIR.update.billing.postalcode.required=Enter a zip code. error.SXIR.update.billing.postalcode.invalid=Enter a valid zip code. error.SXIR.nameoncard=Enter your name as it appears on your card. error.SXIR.creditcardnumber=Enter a credit card number error.SXIR.creditcard.month=Enter an expiration date. error.SXIR.payment.notvalidnumber=Enter a valid credit card number. error.SXIR.payment.notvalidmonth=Enter a valid expiration date. error.SXIR.payment.notvalidyear=Enter a valid expiration date. error.SXIR.payment.notvalidname=Enter a valid name on card. error.SXIR.validation.payment.cc.failure=Your card was declined. Please check your card number, expiration date and address and try again, or enter another payment method. #IDM G Authenticate error.key.idm.invalid.region= error.key.idm.invalid.credentials= error.key.idm.bad.request= error.key.idm.prospect.account.is.expired= error.key.idm.subscriber.account.is.closed= error.key.idm.no.sxir= error.key.idm.multiple.sxir= error.key.idm.oac.credential= error.key.idm.no.freelistening= error.key.idm.account.lockout.error= error.key.idm.account.is.inactive= error.key.idm.grandfather.account.cannot.access= error.key.idm.consumer.restriction= error.key.idm.ldap.service.down= error.key.idm.generic.error.code= #ESB Errors for Gift Card error.key.giftcard.ESB.11-03-PAY-1269=Gift Card number Required error.key.giftcard.ESB.11-02-SXM-4015=Gift Card number is invalid. error.key.giftcard.ESB.11-03-PAY-1270=Gift Card number is invalid. error.key.giftcard.ESB.11-02-SXM-4015=Gift Card number is invalid. error.key.giftcard.ESB.11-02-SXM-4017=Gift Card number is invalid. error.key.giftcard.ESB.11-03-PAY-1253=Your gift card cannot be redeemed. error.key.giftcard.ESB.11-03-PAY-1254=The card you have entered has no balance remaining on it. error.key.giftcard.ESB.11-03-PAY-1258=Your Gift Card cannot be redeemed because it has expired. error.key.giftcard.ESB.11-02-SXM-4018=Your Gift Card cannot be redeemed because it has expired. error.key.giftcard.ESB.11-02-SXM-4025=Enter a valid Security Code (CVV) error.key.giftcard.ESB.11-02-SXM-4026=Enter a valid expiration date. error.key.giftcard.ESB.11-03-SXM-3908=Enter a valid expiration date. error.key.giftcard.ESB.11-03-SXM-9010=Enter a valid expiration date. error.key.giftcard.ESB.11-02-SXM-4014=Enter a valid expiration date. error.key.giftcard.default.ESB.other=There seems to be a problem with the Gift Card number you provided. Please review the information and try again. error.key.giftcard.default.system=Error encountered during processing